Tiens Slimming Tea BD

Tiens Slimming Tea BD


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Do you looking for buy Tiens slimming tea From Bangladesh, We have a lot of tiens Bangladesh Product in our website with up to 20% OFF Sale. We will Provide you Free home delivery available for Anywhere in Bangladesh.

The tea has the down-tumorous properties. It significantly reduces the risk of tumors in small and large intestine, stomach, stimulates the resorption of intestine barnacle and uterine fibroma.

The tea helps the organism to eliminate pathological cells, strengthens the walls of vessels, and normalizes the arteric blood pressure as adroitly as fat metabolism.

It is functioning having swellings numb the eyes, reducing pig-mental bad skin a props the skin, stimulates the functions of spleen and every single one these are the factors upon which the peptic conduct yourself and reclamation of nourishment depend

  1. Tiens slimming tea Reduce blood cholesterol.
  2. Ideal body weight reduce the extra fat.
  3. Monthly related beneficial problems.
  4. Operation of poisoning, reduces pain.
  5. Had control of blood glucose levels.

  6. Digestion is the process of development.
  7. The Constipation clear.
  8. Improve blood circulation process.
  9. Reduces blood levels of cholesterol and traigrisarid.
  10. Every day empty stomach to 1 /2 times drink.1 /2 times 1/2 liter of warm water and keep sinking tea bag 10 minutes.
  11. Tiens sliming tea 1.5gm x 40 assets
  12. Dietary Supplement : Not for medical use.
  13. Related Product: Tiens Cordy cafe.

Dosage Tiens Slimming tea:

Take 250 ml at 5-7 a.m. in the back the argument of large intestine meridian is maximum and at 1-3 p.m. subsequently than the ruckus of little intestine is maximum.

After taking this tea for 2 weeks, the complex may be augmented – 1 glass of water for one sachet.

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  • রক্তের কোলেষ্টেরলও ট্রাইগ্রিসারিড এর মাত্রা কমায়।
  • খাওয়ার পূর্বেপ্রতিদিন ১/২ বার পান করুন, আধা লিটার গরম পানিতে।
  • পরিমাণ টি ১.৫ গ্রাম ৪০ টি ব্যাগ
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Tiens Price With P.V. 2195Tk
Discount Price Without P.V. 1,646 Tk
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