Tiens Cordy Cafe

Tiens Cordy Cafe


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 Tiens Cordy Cafe

Tiens Cordy Cafe

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Tiens Cordy Cafe
Tiens Cordycafe” uniquely enriched very old herb cordyceps, is an irresistible secondary to your drinking pleasure. It invigorates your excitement and mind , improves take operate efficiency and productivity.

Along once pure aroma & taste Cordy cafe gives you every one the benefit of herb Cordyceps sine-sis which boosts your immune system & supports the full of animatronics of your organs.

Cordyceps contains amino acids, including 8 angry ones which can not be synthesized by the body. These amino acids can in the back in the works ensure passable assist of the body and refrain human health. It includes Trace elements-calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

These add together pulmonary and renal functions. Also vivacious in selenium that preserves stability and permeability of cell membrane, stimulates accrual of immunoglobulins and antibody, enhances immune show and anti oxidation gift, and inhibits extra of cancer cells Helps living the central avid system and weary muscles, invigorates your sparkle sand mind, mass put it on efficiency and productivity.

  1. Tiens Cordy Cafe Drinking coffee reduces risk of heart disease as the regularly quantity.
  2. To increase blood oxygen levels.
  3. Disease resistance Strengthens. Increase working efficiency and productivity.
  4. Gall stones are excellent aids to prevent.
  5. Fat free and enhances performance of the heart.
  6. Asthma prevention High Quality.
  7. Role the metabolism process.
  8. Awakens the mind is full on satiety.
  9. Elements of tienshi kardi kardi Cafe Cafe Very High Quality,
  10. Krima shabby cream and sugar combination.

Use formula :

  1. After meals a day of drink 1 glass kardi cafes.
  2. Related Product: Sliming Tea.

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